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[West Java Tea History] Forgotten Hero - Max Isaac Salhuteru

Indonesia?s National Hero Day!

65 years ago, there was a man who had a contribution for plantation in Indonesia. This man, nationalized tea plantation in West Java, when the instruction asset nationalization came from the President.

He is Bapak (Mr) Max Isaac Salhuteru.

He was the Supervisor of Cultivation and Administration in Sinumbra-Sperata Plantation (currently; Rancabali Plantation). During that era, Supervisor at the tea plantation was a prestige position for native Indonesian.

Later, at 1957, Bapak Salhuteru was asked by Letkol (lieutenant-colonel) R. Umar Wirahadikusuma to came to Resimen Infanteri X Siliwangi, Bandung. The Letkol gave an instruction.

A clear and direct instruction;

“Took over the tea plantation from colonist, immediately.”

It was not an easy instruction, Bapak Salhuteru needs to took over the plantation from his Administrateur, a colonist. But with his highly skilled negotiation method, he could nationalize the Sinumbra-Sperata tea plantation and became the first Indonesian Administrateur of Sinumbra-Sperata tea plantation.

Through his contribution, Sinumbra-Sperata tea plantation is owned and managed by the state until now. When he passed away, he wanted to be buried in the Sinumbra-Sperata tea plantation, the plantation which he fought for Indonesia.